Dear And The Headlights
I'll put it on the table right from the outset here: These guys remind me of Third Eye Blind. Now, if you've ever taken the time to dig past Third Eye Blind's radio hits (ever heard "The Background"??? Classic lyrics.), you'll know that this is more compliment than insult. Dear and the Headlights have that same late 90s alterna-rock sound. Nothing new at all. Oh well. I've always said - "Either do something new or do something old really really well". These guys are definitely the latter and that's 100% cool with me. But, all that aside, the real genius here is this guy's lyrics and delivery. Classicly trained singer? No. More passion than five seasons of American Idol combined? Hell yeah.
Is there a person alive who hasn't felt like this - "I've got this feeling in my blood that I want more this ain't enough / A girlfriend, a movie, a slow dance and straight teeth / Some candle-lit forced sentiment, I'm bored to tears". Reminds me of about 1/2 the dates I went on in my life.
And the other classic sentiment of "And you, I'm missing you, I don't want to, but I will". There's no more genuine emotion than missing someone. There are people that I like (love even) that I don't necessarily miss. And then there are people that I miss. I think it's the ultimate compliment to be missed. It means you've left your hook in someone.
Dear and the Headlights - "I'm Bored, You're Amorous".
Dear and the Headlights - "Run in the Front".
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Is there a person alive who hasn't felt like this - "I've got this feeling in my blood that I want more this ain't enough / A girlfriend, a movie, a slow dance and straight teeth / Some candle-lit forced sentiment, I'm bored to tears". Reminds me of about 1/2 the dates I went on in my life.
And the other classic sentiment of "And you, I'm missing you, I don't want to, but I will". There's no more genuine emotion than missing someone. There are people that I like (love even) that I don't necessarily miss. And then there are people that I miss. I think it's the ultimate compliment to be missed. It means you've left your hook in someone.
Dear and the Headlights - "I'm Bored, You're Amorous".
Dear and the Headlights - "Run in the Front".
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