A Certain Romance

"oh they might wear classic reeboks or knackered converse or tracky bottoms tucked in socks,
but all of that is what the point is not..."

Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Three steps behind, but still in the game...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Awkward Love Songs

(Disclaimer: Please read this in the intended way or it could all seem very very weird...)

Let me say this first -- I love my wife in a massive way. She's currently all belly with our first baby and we get on awesome. No complaints. She actually just had this very cool personal coffee-table book made (thank you MyPublisher) with pictures from our early dating days, through engagement, through wedding prep, to the wedding, to honeymoon, and a bit beyond. It's awesome. And it got us thinking. I know people like to complain about being married and not being free and all that (usually the same people who never took advantage of their pre-marital freedom in the first place), but really marriage is nice. I dig it. However, it lacks one funadamental quality -- you can never recapture the newness. I'm not talking about "rekindling the spark" or any of that junk. What I mean is -- I will never meet my wife again for the first time (and that's actually a very amusing story). Yeah, sure, there is the far more mature trade-off of a secure/established relationship and what not, but if you don't dig the first moments of meeting someone new, you are really truly missing out. I would love to meet my wife again for the very first time.

All of which is a strange prelude to today's collection of "awkward love songs". The early days of a relationship are the days of maximum charm and (sometimes) well-masqueraded coyness. Things can be awkward yet fun. "But to play is easier than to set the groove and to think is more simple than changing the mood...". "If I translate you wrong, when I complete my song, that would be my two feet, stumbling ahead of me...". Man, those always slightly awkward first moments of anticipation. "No, don't be dumb, no please don't be dumb...".
So, if you are single, don't bum out on it. "Said you wanna love, but you don't know how". You have one of life's greatest experiences still ahead of you...

Sondre Lerche - "On The Tower" | Website | Myspace | Purchase
Bromhead's Jacket - "Poppy Bird"
| Website | Myspace | Purchase
The Magic Numbers - "Let Somebody In"
| Website | Myspace | Purchase


Blogger k8 said...

the first few steps of a new relationship are the thing that keep me from giving up on the game all together. hot damn that part is fun.

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that's so lovely :)
& Poppy Bird's one of my favourite songs.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Dustin and Camila said...

I'm a newly wed (married in June 07), and Looooooved meeting my wife. I totally agree with you that those first moments are amazing and will never happen again. I love blogging though, because I've done a fairly good job of catching a lot of them.

4:33 PM  

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